.UK Registrant Validation - Data Quality Policy

Nominet maintains a data quality policy for all .uk domain names.

As a result of the policy, Nominet runs data quality checks on the registrant name and address for all .UK domain names. If they are unable to automatically validate the contact information, they will contact the domain owner directly to validate it manually.

Nominet Validation Email

If Nominet needs to validate your registrant information manually, you will receive an email from serviceapplications@nominet.org.uk.

Follow the instructions in Nominet's email and get back to them with any information or documents they ask for to confirm your registrant name and/or address. You can review the validation documents they accept. If you have additional questions about what is needed, you can use the contact information in their email to get in touch with them directly. Failure to meet Nominet's data quality requirements can result in suspension and/or cancellation of your domain name.

Update Your Whois Contact

The registrant contact details (except the registrant name) can be modified through a Whois Update via your control panel on our website.

Contact Support


We generally respond within hours on weekdays. Holidays and weekends may take longer.

Safety Tips

Protect Your Password
Never share your password. We will never ask for it.

Beware of Scams
Don't be tricked into renewing domains with a company that has no right. A Misk.com domain can only be renewed through our website.
Learn More