.UK Incoming Transfers

You're moving a .uk domain name from another registrar to Misk.com.

Step 1 - Update Whois Contact

Update the registrant email address in the domain's whois record with your current registrar before starting your transfer. You'll need access to this email address later to confirm the transfer.

Step 2 - Change Tag on Domain

Contact your current registrar and have them change the tag on your domain name to MISK-US. Note that we only support .uk, .co.uk, and .org.uk registrations at this time and you should not transfer any other .uk extensions to this tag.

Step 3 - Start and Confirm the Transfer

Start the transfer at https://www.misk.com/#transfer. We will send a transfer confirmation email to the registrant email address as listed on the domain's current whois record.

There is no cost for .uk domain transfers and the expiration date does not change. Contact information on the domain also does not change during a .uk transfer. You can update your whois information via our control panel after the transfer is complete.

Step 4 - Transfer Complete

You will receive an email from us once the transfer has been confirmed and completed. You can then manage the domain name via your control panel.

Contact Support


We generally respond within hours on weekdays. Holidays and weekends may take longer.

Safety Tips

Protect Your Password
Never share your password. We will never ask for it.

Beware of Scams
Don't be tricked into renewing domains with a company that has no right. A Misk.com domain can only be renewed through our website.
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