Bulk Internal Transfers

Move multiple domains to another Misk.com account to give the new owner full control over the name including the ability to change the ownership and other details.

Step 1 - Create a New Account

If the new owner doesn't already have a Misk.com Account, a new one can be created at https://www.misk.com/register. This must be done before performing the transfer.

Step 2 - Perform the Transfer

  1. Login to your Control Panel at https://www.misk.com/cp/
  2. Click on the Checkboxes for the domains you want to move
  3. Click the Select Bulk Action button under your domain list
  4. Click Internal Transfer
  5. Enter the new Username and accept the terms
  6. Click the Transfer button to move all the domains
  7. Both you and the new owner will receive an email once the transfer is processed

Step 3 - Update the WHOIS Ownership

After the internal transfer is complete, the new owner will need to update their whois ownership records to ensure they are listed as the owner on the domain. Certain domain extensions may require additional steps to change the owner of the domain itself.

Contact Support


We generally respond within hours on weekdays. Holidays and weekends may take longer.

Safety Tips

Protect Your Password
Never share your password. We will never ask for it.

Beware of Scams
Don't be tricked into renewing domains with a company that has no right. A Misk.com domain can only be renewed through our website.
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